Co-management of fisheries in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) began with the establishment of the Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC) in 1986, one of the provisions of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) signed in 1984. The agreement between the Inuvialuit and the Canadian Government with regards to renewable resource management was arranged as a collaborative management process that included knowledge and insight from both sides. This thesis uses the case of beluga entrapment in the Husky Lakes, NWT, to explore how co-management between the Tuktoyaktuk Hunter and Trapper Committee (HTC) and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has changed through time in structure and process, and to determine what impacts co-management has had on Inuvialuit involvement in management. Additionally, the linkage between co-management and adaptive capacity at the local level is analyzed in order to better understand how Inuvialuit involvement in fisheries management can have beneficial impacts on cultural preservation, youth education, and employment. This study employed the use of mixed qualitative and quantitative methods within a participatory approach, which aimed at including the community of Tuktoyaktuk in every step of the research process. Qualitative methods included informal discussions, semi-directed interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Community research partners were also essential in accessing information and interviews. The quantitative method used in this study was the use of questionnaires for Social Network Analysis (SNA) in attempting to describe the changes in the management network over time.