Book Review Authors: Rachael Cadman and Dr. Megan Bailey

The Co-management Commons is all about sharing open-access information, but unfortunately, not everything has traditionally been this way in the academic world. The book at the center of this book review is relevant to the Co-management Commons, so we have shared this blog post with a copy of a book review. You can decide for yourself if the book is worth the money. Dr. Graham White has been researching in the North for decades and has many articles published in academic literature.
This book explores the central question of whether co-management boards have empowered Indigenous Peoples to manage their lands and resources. Enjoy the book review by Rachael Cadman (a Ph.D. candidate at the time of this blog post) and Dr. Megan Bailey from Dalhousie University.
White acknowledges the weaknesses of the co-management system yet confidently concludes that co-management boards have enhanced Indigenous influence. The book emphasizes the crucial importance of respecting the skills and efforts of those who have successfully navigated within a system that remains deeply entrenched in colonialism.
Cadman, R., & Bailey, M. (2022). Indigenous empowerment through co-management: Land claims boards, wildlife management, and environmental regulation, by graham white. ARCTIC, 75(4), 497–499.
